Build high quality and
accessible apps in a short time.

Accessible. Customizable. Open source.


Components built with Radix UI. Screen reader, RTL and typehead support and keyboard navigation.


We utilize CSS variables for styling and tailwind-variants to have different types and sizes of a component.

Open Source

You can actively contribute to this project by sharing ideas and reporting bugs.


Build applications faster by copying and pasting components, saving valuable development time.

Our tech stack

The tools that make this possible.

Radix UI

Accessible components for exceptional design systems.

Tailwind CSS

Utility-first CSS framework for web development.

Tailwind Variants

Tailwind combined with a first-class variant API.

Lucide Icons

Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit.

Frequently asked questions

Leave your question on the GitHub discussion.

You can use any framework that supports React. Next.js, Astro, Remix, Gatsby etc.

Yes, uses Radix UI to build the components that adhere to the WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Free for personal and commercial use, no attribution required. Let me know what you create, I'm excited to see!

It’s a Tailwind CSS-specific library with essential features missing in others.